Wednesday, June 23, 2021

School's Out!

The end of the school year has arrived and to punctuate the end of this season we were blessed to be able to celebrate Nikolas' graduation from high school!  

To join us in the celebration, my parents and my niece Kylee traveled out for a few days.  The last time we were able to spend time with them was for Jozsef's graduation three years ago, so it was really nice that they could make it out.  

We took the opportunity to honor all of our kids moving up--Connor graduated 8th grade, Nikolas and my niece Kylee both graduated High School, and Sonja completed Elementary school this year
My niece Kylee and my parents-  the Grands McMahon

The Grands and the Grandkids present

We had intended to have a backyard ceremony for Nikolas, but five days of solid rain and high humidity shifted us to plan B which placed us in the living room for graduation.  Nikolas donned the traditional cap and gown and walked down the hallway to make his entrance into the living room to the sound of the classic graduation march.  John, as acting school Principal, coordinated and facilitated the ceremony which was opened with prayer and a formal welcome for our guests before John made a short speech.  I, acting as School Administrator and Lead Teacher also gave a short speech before Nikolas took front and center to present the speech he had written.  John presented Nikolas with his official diploma and everyone clapped, shouted praises, and deployed small confetti cannons.  :-)  

The official declaration of graduation, presentation of the diploma, and the handshake

Diploma in hand--it's real now!

He's so done!

When the ceremony was over, we had a luncheon followed by gifts and cake.  The rest of the day was spent just playing games and spending time together. 

John, Me, and My Parents

The girl cousins--Sonja, Kylee, Hannah

Riley made a Lego mini figure Graduate for Nikolas

These cousins spent their youngest years as a trio.  They aren't in the same space often, but they have no trouble clicking back together when they are 

Nikolas is thrilled to be done with High School.  His plan is to increase his work hours and spend time exploring options during this gap year.  With so many things rapidly changing in the world around us, all of what Nikolas thought he would pursue has been altered and now he goes back to the drawing board to craft a new plan.  In the meantime, he is blessed to have a great work environment and team to function with and learn from while he serves in leadership and strives to increase his skills across the board.  We trust that this is a time of molding and fashioning Nikolas for the next phase of God's leading in his life.  ;-)  Congratulations Nikolas!    May you continue to lean into the Lord and grow in His wisdom as you trek on into your future in this world! 

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