Friday, July 16, 2021

A Birthday in Stages

Sonja's birthday was celebrated in stages this year due to schedules and events that could not be rearranged.  

Just before her birthday, she received an early gift--a second piercing.  Sonja has been asking for a second ear piercing for the last year.  Without a real reason to say no, we decided that it would make a great birthday gift.  One afternoon, just days before her birthday, Nikolas and I got her into the car to "run errands", and took her to get her ear pierced.  Sonja was thrilled.  :-) 

On her birthday proper, she and I spent half of the day serving at a church event--by her choice.  We worked hard and had a good time connecting with our community.  After the event, she and I went out for a wing lunch--so satisfying!  Sonja loves books--especially vintage books--so we went on a short book hunt after lunch.  We didn't find anything good, this time, but it was fun.  On the way home, we visited the boys at work and picked up a birthday milkshake.  :-)

Upon our return home, she took a nap, we grilled out for dinner, and then enjoyed cake and gift opening. 

Charlotte, our MonKitty, was intrigued by the gifts and she tried to help unwrap them.   :-)

 Our celebration spilled over into the next day.  After church we went out to enjoy Sonja's choice birthday activity--roller skating.  The kids took to the rink quite well--Sonja even got fancy!  

John tested his limits on the skating floor and quickly decided that his ankle was not ready for such action.  Nikolas and I chose to be seat warmers as we both already had injuries to nurse and didn't want to take our chances.  

Still, Sonja had a blast and we made good memories,  :-) 

Welcome to 12 Sonja!  We love you!  <3

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