Sunday, November 7, 2021

Fall Family Moments

Once upon a time, our family photo shoots were what kicked off spring and coincided with birthday season.  These days, fall is a more temperate season and is so beautiful that we've taken to scheduling our photo shoots in autumn.  This particular fall day, the weather was so wonderful with a moderate temperature and a light breeze--quite the gift after a few days in a row of cold, wind, and rain.  Meeting with our photographer was fun and the kids were easy to work with.  Before you know it, we had more than enough photos to choose from and we called it a wrap.  :-)  I'm so thankful for Heather joyfully helping us capture a few precious moments and lots of character.  I look forward to updating our hallway frames.  :-)

I took a few photos while we were waiting for our photographer, but Nikolas wasn't quite ready for flashing his pearly whites :-) 

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