Saturday, October 21, 2023

Dorito's Demise

Remember how John got a great betta fish gift for his birthday? That's when Dorito came to live with us. He was a really fun gift with unique story. Well, Dorito died this week. Fish don't live that long, but it was still sad. So what do you do with a tank set up that's fairly new, but empty? You get another fish! So off to the pet store I went for a new resident. When we arrived, the girls and I saw some great choices, and we went home with a beautiful blue crowntail betta we had named Cool Ranch (AKA Mr Cool) to stick with the chip theme.
We excitedly took him home and introduced him to John and we put his plastic bag into the tank for acclimation. Not long after, Sonja reported that Mr Cool was floating upside down. :-( Distressed, I called the shop which graciously told me that stress will occassionally do that to fish and they told me to come back for another. So, Sonja and I packed up Cool Ranch and went back to the store. Once there, we traded him in for another betta. This time a Dragon Scale Crowntail.
He's a little harder to fit into the chip theme but Nikolas suggested Buffalo Ranch. I'm not sure we've settled yet. We might leave the chip department and move into dinosaurs as the tank is Jurassic themed. If so, I think we'll name him Malcom--after Dr. Ian Malcom, notable for the chaos theory in the Jurassic movie. After all, it was with much chaos that we ended up with him anyway. In the end, our new addition is doing well, and now, we can honestly say we own leopards and a dragon. :-)

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