Sunday, December 6, 2020

Take a Hike

As you may remember, a double digit birthday, in this house, means taking a hike--a big hike. Traditionally, the miles of the hike are double digits just like the birthday we are celebrating. And though hikes have been anywhere from 10-14 miles (so far), this year the hike would be different, as most things have been in 2020. For so many resasons--covid culture, John's recovering ankle, the unpredictable weather--we weren't even sure there would be a hike. Though this was a saddening thought, we decided to discuss plan B--just in case. With all of the details sorted out, and the weather closely watched, a hike alternative was planned to Riley's liking (because, above all others, it had to be good for him). And so it was, the night before the official birthday, that we went to bed with plan B in mind, and holding out hope that a hike would still somehow happen. Six in the morning, John woke up to scout out the weather. He discovered that if he left with the kids within the hour, they would have until the early afternoon to pull the hike off. So, in fire drill style, he awoke the participants, they dressed and gathered the necessities, and were off for a day in the mountains. 

Traditionally, John is the trail leader for the birthday child and the nearest alumnus. This year there was a special tag along--Jozsef went to help drive and to be John's physical assistant as necessary.:-) The hike was a fantastic success! They hiked just two miles but it took them to see three different waterfalls and loads of fall color, all in weather that cooperated right up to the point of them wrapping up and heading home. They came home wet (mist and sweat accumulates), tired, with cameras bursting with autumn glory, hearts full, and wide smiles. Perfect! :-)
We had a stunning slideshow to enjoy that evening, viewing pictures from the perspective of each participant, a tasty dinner, cake made to order by Riley, and fun gifts. Riley was thrilled, to say the least. :-)
I am so thankful that all points aligned for this memorable day to happen, and to occur safely, creating memories of a lifetime. #PTL
Happy 10th birthday Riley! We love you so much!

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