Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thanksgiving Weekend

The week of Thanksgiving was a very full week for us. What we thought, initially, would be at week of rest and relaxation, quickly became a time of catch-up and celebration. We did things like install speakers in Jozef's car, tackle home projects, attend appointments, and gather to give thanks. It was a week full--in a good way. :-) I didn't get much on film, but on Thanksgiving proper, we started the day with an egg breakfast and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. We (sadly) missed the Dog Show, but we enjoyed our puppies (who are getting healhier daily and growing just as much). :-) We relaxed as much as possible and binged on the Lord of the Rings movies (including the Hobbit trilogy--it was epic, as usual). The food was delicious and the time together was precious. Thanksgiving was all that it should be.
I think this was the earliest we've ever set up Christmas in our house, but the timing was right when the opportunity presented itself to get a tree--so we jumped at it. We had fun stringing lights and putting ornaments on our tree while we watched Bilbo Baggins on his journey. We decorated the house inside and out, best we could, and were satisfied with the festive final look. Christmas had arrived in our neck of the woods--even the weather declared it with much cooler winds and threats of snow, though no snow has actually accumulated yet. Hopes of snow days occupy our hearts as we move closer to the official start of winter. :-)
Despite covid culture, we discovered and attended a wonderful community event. There was a Christmas market (200 vendors), food trucks (the snow cones were the best), holiday music, fun selfie stations, and great weather to enjoy. It was a pleasure to attend and a great way to kick off the holiday season.
Our time off ended too soon and we are anxious for Christmas break, but we are thankful that we were able to have time together to enjoy. All thanks be to God for such gifts!

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