Sunday, January 3, 2021

Wrapping Up 2020


Christmas Day was icy and cold but we, thankfully, weren't too affected by it as we were inside by the cozy fire and the pretty tree lights enjoying music, food, gifts, and fellowship.  

The kids actually slept this year--usually they are hard to fall asleep and super early to wake.  They took their time rising and enjoyed their stockings while they waited for breakfast.  Once our tummies were full, the dogs were fed, the kitchen was cleaned up and mulled cider was warming in the crockpot, we settled into the living room to take our time with sharing gifts.  

As we take the time to watch each gift opened and the gift is discussed, it was late afternoon by the time the base of our tree was bare and we all set out to clean up and organize our gifts while we also continued to enjoy what we were given.  A special thank you goes out to those who sent us gifts for the kids and for us to eat and enjoy as a family.  Those presents and special treats really do add quite a bit to our celebration and we very much appreciate each gift and gift giver.  :-)

Afternoon melted into early evening and we shifted into dinner prep.  Our annual sushi dinner has become quite the team effort as more of the kids are learning to assemble the sushi pieces and are taking part in making the meal.  We always enjoy our little feast and this Christmas was no different.  We are super thankful that, at least once a year, we can together enjoy a sushi meal.  

After dinner we simply lounged and enjoyed the fire while we watched It's a Wonderful Life.  It really is, you know, a wonderful life.  As hard as things can be here in this earthly existence, there are so many things to be thankful for.  George Bailey spent a lot of time wishing for more than what he had and simply not recognizing all of the amazing blessings that surrounded him as well as the ways in which he was being provided for.  George was missing the tree for the forest.  I don't want to live that way.  As hard as 2020 was, it honestly was not the hardest year I've lived, and despite the challenges, there were so many spaces to recognize provision and notice the beauty--in even the simple aspects--of this life.  The tree in front of me--though it may seem to be in my way--it offers so much. If I can just pay attention to the grandeur, praise the Maker, note the foliage, and see the tiny world of life at home in the tree, I'll have a greater appreciation for the time I spend at the base of the tree before I learn how to move around it, or how to go through it.  

I want to see the tree and the forest.  In order to achieve that though, I must learn to view all of life through my God glasses.  If I don't make a habit of utilizing the proper lenses, I miss details that make life dull and more challenging and I'm less able to help my family see the tree as well.  In this regard, I am thankful for the reminders available to me to keep my spectacles on, straight, and clean so that I can see appropriately and appreciate reminders like George Bailey.  :-)  

Christmas came and went almost too quickly and before we knew, it was time to ring in the new year.  The two older boys spent most of the day with us, but after dinner they went to a friend's house to celebrate not just the beginning of a new year but also the birthday (calendar and spiritual as the boy had just been baptized) of a friend.  It was nice that the boys could go and celebrate with friends but they admitted that the vibe is better at home.  :-)  The home front held food to graze on, games to play, a countdown with prizes on the hour, and root beer floats to enjoy.  

It's good that the younger kids are old enough to enjoy family games.  Everyone plays, and this year, no one needed a partner--that's quite the milestone.  We missed the boys but it wasn't long after midnight that they returned home and we were able to wish each other a Happy New Year before going to bed.  And so it was that 2021 was ushered in.

2021--Welcome to the new!  A new year, a new political climate, a new social climate, a new round of events, new milestones, new memories.  May God bless us and keep us in all of our days!  

Lego billboard made by Riley

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