Thursday, April 22, 2021

Resurrection Sunday


He is risen!

 He is Risen indeed!

The boys are beginning to stand over John!

What a great reason to celebrate!  And what a beautiful day it was.  The day began with a church service where we were delighted by a song of praise sung by the children of the church.  

The children were excited to sing at Easter, especially since the Christmas Eve service (and their performance) was cancelled.  This is Sonja's last performance in the child choir as she'll age out at the end of this school year.

The afternoon held relaxation and good food as well as the traditional egg hunt and resurrection story.

 We also added in the joy of confetti eggs to play with--which we missed last year due to weather. 

 Usually we would add in an Easter movie, but instead, we had a birthday celebration to add to the excitement of the day.  That milestone will be covered in it's own post.  :-)  

Thank you Jesus for loving us so much as to make the ultimate sacrifice for us rather than be separated from us!  

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