Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring Has Sprung

I'm way behind on blogging, for several reasons.  Much of life's daily duties consume me and my time.  School takes precedents over most and still there is much to do.  We are still getting used to life on the east coast, and though having real seasons to experience is very nice in many ways, I'll tell you, when winter goes long (as it apparently has here this year) many things get delayed.  So when spring finally perked up, the pace picked up in everything.  And so I am late, but better late than never, so here goes a string of posts to catch up before spring runs into summer!

We'll start with my birthday since that's when the season begins.  My day was lovely.  The weather was absolutely perfect, and since the snow had finally gone, the flowers were enjoying their chance to see the sun.  John took me to spend the afternoon in the gardens.  It was quite nice with plenty to see and much peace to absorb. 

That evening, I was presented with a homemade sushi dinner coupled with a recipe surprise by Nikolas (the boy loves to cook and it's cool).  He made for me wine jello flower balls.  They were delectable and quite pretty. 

John topped off the evening with a homemade tiramisu which was super tasty.  The kids were very crafty in the cards and gifts they gave me.  I even received a Minecraft cake with fireworks! 

Sonja and Connor collaborated in making this Minecraft "live card".  It was pretty cool! 

Nikolas drew this card for me.  I love to see that the art we study is paying off.  :-) 

It was a very nice day.  :-)

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