Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Nikolas, being an employed young man and a newly licensed driver, has been planning to make his first vehicle purchase.  The journey from transportation dreams to reality is always interesting.  Like many dreams, where you begin verses where you end is usually not the same vision.  Nikolas began dreaming of fun sporty cars and moved his way into sturdy and reliable work horses.  Not that owning a fast car isn't great fun in its own way, but that when you are a young man, those modes of transportation are fraught with expenses of various kinds, which is why so many men own race cars in their golden years.  :-)  

When Jozsef embarked upon his vehicle ownership quest, he did not begin with many preconceived notions about which car he needed, rather he pretty quickly decided to go with a reasonable car that would fit his budget and his personality.  Enter the HHR.  :-)  Now, Jozsef did admit that a truck would have been great, but he was well aware of the cost and was not willing to spend such money.  Now that Nikolas was in the market, there were many conversations about vehicle models and their pros and cons as well as their expenses.  In the end, the boys devised a plan to combine their purchasing power and to buy a truck so that they could add a beneficial vehicle to the family.  Though the truck would be rightfully theirs they found great advantages to having a truck to load up for hauling and/or towing and they loved the idea of having 4x4 capabilities because we do actually get quite the weather out here.  The boys also decided that sharing a vehicle was far more economically beneficial for the both of them rather than each of them owning their own car, paying their own insurance and paying gas for two cars--especially when they always carpool to work and they both still live at home.  Now, don't go worrying about when they move out--they've already discussed several scenarios and potential resolutions for how to handle the truck ownership and the possibility of needing another vehicle.  :-) 

With a target model and price range decided, they began the search in earnest.  In truth, Jozsef, having already purchased a vehicle, gave some input but truly let the brunt of the truck search fall on Nikolas so that Nikolas could lead the hunt and gain the knowledge that comes with such a first big buy.  The search lasted about two months and entertained many discussions before a very promising Dodge Dakota surfaced.  Nikolas got very excited and a bit anxious as he realized just how competitive the car market currently is, yet he remained grounded in God's faithfulness and did not neglect praying over the situation (and we joined him) which helped to let him go into the deal open handed.  Still, things moved very quickly and before we knew it, John and the two older boys headed out in the HHR to see if the listed Dakota looked as good in real as it did in photos.

The guys were greeted by dealers who were quite experienced and very client oriented.  The truck had an impressive history--one owner who took great care of his truck and barely put any miles on it.  Jozsef negotiated a trade in and got almost as much as he paid for it (minus $500)!  Such a blessing!  God was definitely in the details and the boys came home beaming!  :-)  Nikolas had made his first vehicle purchase, Jozsef had successfully negotiated his first vehicle trade in, and the boys were officially truck owners.  Oh happy day!  

Now the boys will set out to personalize their new ride and they will enjoy every God given moment in it as well.  :-)  Congratulations Boys!  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Moving Up

 This school year is a milestone year for more than just our graduating senior, though his is a huge mile marker.  The ending of this school year also means that Sonja completes Elementary School and moves into Jr. High next fall while Connor exits Jr. High and begins counting down his High School years.  There's a lot of celebrating going on over here! 

Though we don't traditionally make more than a nod and a mention at leaving elementary school, we do more overtly acknowledge eighth grade graduation.  Connor had the fun of taking graduation photos and he will receive his certificate of completion at the end of the term--which is right around the corner! 

Of course, Nikolas had a photo shoot and we'll enjoy a graduation celebration in a couple of weeks.  We had so much fun on his photo shoot.  Our top photo lady, Heather, helped us capture some great memories of Nikolas looking quite dapper in his cap and gown and we couldn't be more grateful to her for her time and talents.  

Congratulations to our students for all of your hard work and tenacity in getting this far! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Licensed to Drive

 It's official!  Nikolas is the newest driver of the house!  He had a few delays to deal with--not by his own accord but rather due to cancel culture and a computer system update at the Motor Vehicles Department that appears to have set the department back rather than help them to jump ahead.  However, the wait was worth it and now Nikolas can cancel one more thing off of his list of "things to do in growing up". :-) Congratulations Nikolas!  See you on the road!  :-) 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Right on Target


The younger siblings decorated Connor's bedroom door for him.  They even filled some of the balloons with confetti--it was very celebratory! 

On Star Wars Day this year, Connor turned 14!  He asked for a big boy day out and that's what he got.  We worked around school and employment schedules in order to have all of us participate in his celebration.  First, Nikolas and I took him to the Military Surplus store.  

That place is a dusty treasure trove for a guy like Connor!  We didn't explore every nook and cranny, but we saw a lot, picked up a couple of shirts for Connor, and vowed to return soon.  :-)  Next we met up with Jozsef and headed out to the range where Connor was educated on a few different pieces and had a chance to put in a little practice.  

The boy is a natural!  He has great form and accuracy and he was pretty proud of his results.  We were impressed.   :-)  

We all had a great time getting some practice in and it felt like we had to leave too soon, but we wanted to meet up with the rest of the family for more fun.  The next phase of celebration happened at the bowling alley.  

The younger kids bowled while the older boys challenged each to a few rounds of billiards.  Somewhere in between we had some finger foods for dinner.  It was a great night.  

We left the alley to return home for cake and gifts.  Before you knew it, the night had gone long and everyone was pretty tuckered out.  

Connor was thrilled with his day and his gifts--he got so many good ones.  He'll be busy for a bit tinkering with new things and I love that.  Fourteen years with this creative and comical guy have been wonderful.  I look forward to what lies ahead for him--especially since he finishes Jr High this year and begins the top tier High School journey in the fall!  Happy Birthday, Connor! We love you! <3

Thursday, April 22, 2021

One Year

 Last Friday marked the one year anniversary of John breaking his ankle.  What a year it was!  Not only did we have to deal with the onset of Covid/Cancel Culture and all of the changes/challenges that came with it, but we also had to deal with a problematic puppy on top of John's broken ankle and the regular life details.  

Today, John is not 100% "normal"--he has a new swagger and an infection at the wound site that doesn't seem to respond to anything, so we're not done yet--but he's vertical!  We are super thankful that John is able to walk and trot (he hasn't tried a full-fledged run yet) and basically do much of what he desires despite the severe break.  God is so good and we certainly saw Him show up all along the way, in so many ways, and it's amazing how much He's in the details.  <3  

To celebrate this major milestone, John and I returned to the garden we enjoy so much but haven't been able to visit due to a lack of mobility.  The day was beautiful and we took our time to explore and enjoy the splendor we were soaked in.  The walk was wonderful!  

Thank God for healing <3  We look forward to more walks in the wonders of creation.  :-) 

A Piece of Americana

We had the surprise opportunity to get up close and personal with an iconic piece of Americana.  The Weinermobile came to our area! 

I gave the kids a quick run down of Weinermobile history and then we took the tour.  It was really neat not just to see the vehicle but to talk to the Hotdoggers driving it and then to sit inside.  

To top it off, we got stickers and weiner whistles!  The only thing we didn't get was an audible--they weren't playing the song, but I looked it up and played it for the kids.  :-)  Such a fun time! 


 Easter was a dual celebration for us as it was Nikolas' 18th birthday!  We essentially spent the first half of the day celebrating the resurrection of Jesus and the second half of the day celebrating the birth of Nikolas.  :-)  

Nikolas enjoyed driving us home from church (he's set to get his license soon--his appointment was later than he desired due to a backlog in appointments), 

relaxation, good food of his choice, confetti cannons on his birthday cake (they turned out to be a bit of a flash in the pan, but they were fun),

and by the time we opened gifts, it had been such a long day that it was pretty much time to call it a night. :-)  

Since our birthdays are so close together, Nikolas and I have created a tradition of designating a day for the two of us to get out and mark our milestones together--a kind of dual celebration that varies from year to year but almost always includes a lunch.  This year, we visited a military surplus store, had a great sushi lunch together, grabbed a cup of tea, and did a bit of window shopping while we walked the downtown main street.  It was a great day for the both of us.  :-)  I'm so happy getting older hasn't meant he's out grown spending time with me, just because.  <3  

Happy Birthday Nikolas!  Welcome to 18 and the first level of adulthood!