Monday, October 11, 2021

Wildflower Walk

 October is easily one of the best months where we live.  The weather is wonderful, the biting bugs start to decrease, the colors start to really pop, and there are plenty of activities to appreciate.  Actually, October usually explodes with things to do and see and we love it.  

At the beginning of the month, we took the opportunity to walk in the garden before it closes for the winter.  The garden never disappoints and our afternoon was quite enjoyable.  We were welcomed by blooms bursting over the waterfall bridge and a stage stacked with harvest decorations, all for our enjoyment.  

The Japanese Maple section of the garden is always super pretty.  With the sun peeking through the orange, red, and yellow leaves, it was quite a sight.  

We had a bit of fun interacting with the statues along the pathways to the real highlight of the afternoon--the wildflower patch.  

It was well worth the short hike!  Wildflowers spread out all over the hillside, bees of all kinds buzzed from flower to flower, and the sweetest flowery fragrance filled the soft breeze that made the sun above us so pleasant.  

We lingered long soaking in the serene beauty.  By the time we left, we were one of the last to leave before they shut the gates for the evening.  If we're lucky, we'll make it back one more time before winter.  But if not, these wildflowers have made a lasting impression that will stay with us for quite some time.  :-)

Friday, September 10, 2021

School Resumes


The morning we awoke to begin our new school year was drastically different from the weekend prior.  Instead of bright blue skies with great big puffy clouds and the sun shining while the heat warmed you up just enough for you to want a cool breeze or the air conditioner on, we were greeted by clouds, a bit of gloom, a light intermittent breeze that activated the tunes of the wind chimes, and temperatures low enough that we could spend the entire day with all of the windows open.  We were thankful for the beautiful weekend we had just experienced and then began to open windows and plan reading time out on the porch and were thankful for the uniqueness of each season.   

This school year I only have four students and we range in grades from elementary to high school.  Connor has begun his freshman year and is already loving that he works independently from the rest of the pack.  It affords him more time flexibility to fit in both textbook and tool time--which he very much appreciates.  

Sonja stepped up to junior high this year and with Connor's promotion, she is promoted by default.  Sonja is now the pack leader--at least for group work.  Junior high status brings with it a heavier work load, but Sonja is up to the task--even if she doesn't fully understand the work this year has in store for her (she's still saying it's not more, silly girl).  :-)

Riley is finishing up elementary school this year.  It's odd to think that I'll only have one elementary student next year.  Suddenly the kids are feeling very grown...and I think this is a transitory growth year for them all.  In each of their first day photos, their faces seem bigger and somewhat awkward in each of their maturity and developmental  phases.   

Hannah is in fourth grade this year.  This advances her in Sunday school status as well.  Sonja graduated out of Sunday school classes and is now a teacher's aide and Hannah moved into class with Riley and the big kids.   I'm glad Riley and Hannah get some time together.  So often it's Riley and Sonja that team up.  The new set up allows for both of them to grow closer in relationship (which will hopefully help them in school collaboration as well) and help them to develop new personal skills as a shake up in group dynamics is bound to affect interactions.  Hannah is feeling pretty accomplished in her new status, but now she's got to step up her maturity in different ways.  It'll be a big year for our Miss H.  

So here we go--diving into the 2021-2022 school year!  May God bless our days with productivity and positive growth.  <3

Last Weekend of Summer

The last weekend of summer brought us beautiful weather to enjoy.  We closed out the season in a big way by visiting the last day of a three day Jeepfest. 

Jeeps for days!

Jeepfest is a grand opportunity for Jeep owners to come out and test the limits of their vehicles and driving skills while onlookers excitedly cheer them on and discover Jeep life.  There are trail rides, obstacle courses, venders to buy from, raffles to win, sun to soak in and a great big mud pit to drive through then run through--yep, the vehicles sink their wheels in and then people get in and see if they can run through the pit without falling.  It's a huge and messy challenge with prizes to win.  

Jozsef took this picture.  He said it was a perfect representation--the blue Jeep for Nikolas and the burnt orange Jeep for him. :-) 

The heavy equipment was set to rescue those who got in over their heads--and we witnessed quite a few rescues that day!  Watching them get the Jeeps out was just as fun as watching the Jeeps dive in! 

We were in the splash zone of the mud pit--but it was the best area to watch the runs ;-) and the kids didn't seem to mind (for the record, we didn't get real messy, though we did witness others that did)

Nikolas was especially enamored by how people approached and executed the teeter totter

We saw a driver attempt to go up the boulders on this hill.  He gave it a good go, but he also broke his axel :-(  Needless to say, we didn't see anyone else attempt the run for the rest of the day.  

Oh so pretty!

We had so much fun!  At the end of the day we had all we needed for day dreams and just plain dreams of future Jeep ownership.  :-)  

On Labor Day, we spent the day lounging, tying up loose ends before the start of a new school year, enjoying a good backyard BBQ, some time with friends, and a few rounds of corn hole.  

Jozsef actually joined a corn hole league so he was super happy to get in some practice and we just wanted to play.  

We'll miss the summer days of more whimsy than structure, but the pursuit of education must continue, so we bid the summer season a big farewell and welcome autumn, the break in the heat it affords, the beauty of the season, and the fall activities we so enjoy.  

Until next summer (we can't wait for another Jeepfest!) :-) 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Sun and Slides

Our next adventure took us to play in one of our most favorite parks where play structures and hiking trails give way to natural water slides.  The scenery is quite serene and the fun is simply waiting to be had.  We put on our wet clothes and water shoes (necessary for slippery rocks), packed up towels, water guns, inner tubes, and cooler full of drinks and snacks, and set our for the hour long drive.  We discovered this place late last summer and only the little ones and I were able to experience it.  At the time, John was still an ankle invalid and journeying out was not an option and the older boys were working so they missed out too.  This time, the weather allowed for us to venture out on a day that the older boys were not working (John still stayed home, but this time it was to work and keep the hounds).  The older boys were happy to go--they saw pictures last year and were a bit jealous.  :-)

When we arrived there was only one other family there but soon they left and we had the whole watery playground to ourselves.  The kids had a blast climbing up and sliding down the falls, sun tanning on the rocks, playing water gun wars, and simply floating in the inner tubes.  So much enjoyment!  

Tanning rock

The bigger the kid, the higher the falls

Tanning and tubes

Water gun wars

The day was getting long, and I was moderating sun intake (especially after my severe burn at the beach) so I was suggesting that we wrap up soon when the outing had an unhappy surprise.  At the bottom of a slide, Sonja and Riley were discussing their run when Sonja noticed that a snake was hitchhiking on her lap!  Of course, it freaked her out and she flipped out of her tube which sent her underwater.  Though she freaked out, the snake did not respond in kind and thankfully it swam away without further incident.  Sonja was a bit water logged and unhappy, but overall she was fine.  Thanks to Jozsef for wading out to check on her and bringing her in.  Jozsef then had his own snake encounter when he was returning and a snake was swimming towards him.  It was all good until the snake dove down and went out of sight.  Jozsef hustled back to shore and made it safely.  The outing was officially over.  

Though the close encounter was undesirable, the snakes were not surprising.  With the extra wet and hot summer, the reptiles were flourishing, and we had already identified one curled up under a log.  We just did not anticipate the swimming and diving snakes.  We tried to identify the kinds of snakes we encountered (two different, if not three) but to no avail.  In any case, another adventure is in the books, and dare I say, the kids are self reportedly looking forward to regular, non-adventurous outings.  We can try--but as the old saying goes, adventure is just around the corner!  ;-)