Thursday, February 23, 2023

Valentine's Day

This year, to celebrate Valentine's Day, we experienced a mix of activities. Sonja made heart shaped breakfast muffins to start us out--they were really good!
I made sure each person got thier traditional love notes and box of Jr. Mints as a small token of my love.
John and I enjoyed a charcuterie board lunch (yum!)
and then he (surprisingly) took the rest of the day off and spent the afternoon with the younger children and myself. We went to pick up a treat for the children--craft holiday donuts. They loved them :-) and we made sure to take a couple home for the older boys as well--Jozsef's were gluten free. While we were there we also picked up a special treat for John and I--chocolate covered strawberries (so good).
The weather was too good to go straight home so we stopped at the park to let the children play a bit before dinner.
We got chinese food on the way home and enjoyed it with the older boys when they returned home after work. It was a very pleasant day. :-)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Winter Formal

Last year,the youth group had it's first Winter Formal ever, but we were sick, so no one from our family went. This year, our youth group representatives gladly jumped at the chance to represent. Connor and Sonja both experienced their first formal evening while Jozsef both served (dinner) and chaperoned (which means he made sure there were no wall flowers and helped to orchestrate group/line dances). The night was full with activites--Dinner, dance instruction, dance, photos, fellowship, and memory making.
It was a wonderful evening for all! I'm so glad that everyone was able to participate, learn a bit, and have fun! I'm so thankful for nights like these <3

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

New Chapter

As 2022 was winding down, a chapter of Jozsef's life was winding down too. After four years working with Chick-fil-A, the time came for Jozsef to move on. Although Chick-fil-A (and especially Jozsef's particular owner/staff) was a wonderful experience that taught Jozsef so much as it grew him in multiple ways, God was leading Jozsef into a new phase. Actually, the road of transition was not short. Jozsef prayerfully sought God's guidance for a few months before he actually gave notice. As we discovered, the guy that Jozsef will now be teamed up with, was also seeking God's leading for the same time span. It's a really good story--but Jozsef should tell it. :-) God works in wonderful and unexpected ways. Jozsef will no longer be serving people through food, now he'll be learning a brand new skill set as a painter's apprentice. His new boss, Jake, is a ministry-minded business owner who shares many of the same beliefs and desires as Jozsef. In the immediate, Jozsef will have much to learn in order to be a good painter. Thankfully, he's teachable and a hard worker. However, I do think that Jozsef will gain much more than just how to skillfully color a room. In hearing some of the business goals and outlooks, I believe that these two young men will make a great team and I cannot wait to see what God has in store! Congratulations on sucessfully completing one in-depth chapter and for beginning the next, Jozsef! May God bless every minute of this journey!

Welcoming the New Year

We've turned another calendar page and now we adjust from writing 2022 to 2023. Welcome to a new year! We spent the holiday relaxing. playing, eating, and enjoying being home together. Our traditional rounds of Mexican Train and rootbeer floats were accompanied by our annual clock countdown and binge of Jurassic movies.
Our clock this year was less of a clock in image but certainly did it's job in counting down the hours. We had a lot of fun and joyously spread confetti all over the place as we marked the start of a new chapter in life. Thank God for another year and for the blessings yet to come!

Friday, December 30, 2022

Celebrating Christmas

This Christmas was greeted with extra gratitude this year as last year there were a few of us that were rather sick and barely remember the holidays. For the first time in three years, we were able to attend the Christmas Eve candle light service at our church. The first year we were snowed out. The second year we did a divide and conquer since three of us were ill. This year we all attended and Jozsef read scripture during service. Candle light service is always such a treat. We were glad to partake in the service and to be able to see a few friends before the holiday. That evening, we enjoyed food (meats, cheeses, and fruits), the annual saran wrap game (so much fun!), as well as opening one gift before bed.
Christmas day, we took our time starting out with a hearty egg casserole breakfast before heading into the living room to enjoy gift opening. It's always so relaxing and fun to watch each gift being opened, discovered, and enjoyed. Gift opening pauses for conversation as it arises and food as hunger beckons. We very much enjoyed different gifts of food sent by family--thank you! Those touches really helped to make our holiday a little extra special. There were many really thoughtful gifts exchanged this holiday--so many belssings! It's worth noting that this was the coldest Christmas we've ever had here--or anywhere actually. Our hopes for snow were dashed as all we received was frightful winds and negative temperatures. However, thankfully, we have a couple of guys in the house knowledgeable enough to protect our pipes from bursting as well as a wood burning fireplace and plenty of wood to keep us warm. Praise God! Besides, there's still time for snow. :-)
Now we're gearing up to ring in the New Year--so exciting! We look forward to the family time it affords and we look forward to 2023.

Friday, December 23, 2022

A Walk Through Bethlehem

We had a great experience this year thorugh our church. The children's wing coordinator put together an immersive experience for the children to better understand the world Jesus was born into. She, with a lot of help, coordinated a Walk Through Bethlehem, where participants traveled from area to area experiencing what it would be like to shop in a Bethlehem market place and to visit food and craft booths of the age, as well as to see the inside of the temple and to participate in a teaching time. All of our church participants did a fabulous job recreating the marketplace for the children (and later the rest of the church) to experience. The end of the tour through the town included a lesson on the gospel--our preacher was passionate and so very educational. Everyone had a wonderful time and the whole experence was well worth all of the work. Jozsef and Nikolas participated as Wise Men while Sonja was an angel. Already plans are being made for next year's walk--yay! Merry Chirstmas!

Christmas Greetings

Dear Friends and Family, Merry Christmas! Good tidings to you and your household this blessed season! I hope that 2022 was far better for you and yours than 2021 was, and I pray blessings over your 2023! This year has been a year of refining growth for us as we’ve faced the challenges before us, individually and as a family, and have striven to grow from each circumstance in the way the Lord God leads. Increasingly, it is apparent that the battles raging in our world—both physical and spiritual—are far from over. Therefore, we have been leaning harder on the Lord, seeking to grow in His Word, and trying to learn new skills for self-improvement along the way. Sanctification is a slow but very worthy process. Our home is a space that seems to be under constant construction—and in that regard, it’s the perfect physical reminder of what the sanctification process entails. Every project seems to be more in-depth than we realized and takes much longer than we anticipated, therefore the progress is quite slow (and sometimes seemingly imperceptible) but every project we complete is a blessing and worth every bit of the work, time, and money we put into it. It’s wonderful that John can head up these projects and that each family member is able to assist in different ways. As mentioned, John is using much of his time working on our home. I often tease that we bought into sweat equity, and we are sweating! 😊 Outside of the home, John is plugging away for Kellogg’s Garden Products as well as serving on our HOA board. I am serving in a couple of capacities for the church, I have been called back to teach childbirth education, and the children are still being homeschooled. This year we have students in 5th through 10th grade. The days just seem to be getting busier! Jozsef is still at the Log College studying Theology while working at Chick Fil A, though he’d like a new job and is seeking avenues. Jozsef also assists with the youth group at our church and is very much enjoying exercising his teaching skills and connecting with the teens he mentors. Nikolas is a plumber’s apprentice and is loving every minute of it. He is building new skills daily and enjoys the variety of challenges he is presented—keeps the job fresh. 😊 Both boys are forward minded and are making future plans to move out. Connor is our only high schooler and he’s extremely interested in science, mechanics, and etymology. He loves old dictionaries! Connor enjoys church youth activities, being a PE Assistant Coach through our homeschool group, discovering how things work, and the occasional dance class. Sonja and Riley are in junior high. Sonja enjoys church youth group activities and serving in the kindergarten/first grade Sunday school class as a teacher’s assistant. All the children are enrolled in PE, and we participate in other classes/events/field trips as the availability allows. Due to the way his birthday falls on the calendar, Riley has yet to join the youth group. I do believe he’s counting down the days! It’s understandable, they not only have great fellowship and studies, but they also have fun events to attend. While he waits, Riley spends much of his time creating ideas and things—often in Legos or in the backyard. He and his brothers have been learning bushcraft/homesteading skills this year—much to their enjoyment. Hannah is in elementary school. Though she is eager to build skills in an effort to keep up with her siblings, Hannah still allows herself space to be separate and younger. Hannah is a very loving girl who enjoys helping wherever she can as well as dabbling in art, mostly drawing. Each of the children are a gift and a joy that we are so blessed to have! As the world around us continues to change at seemingly faster speeds, we strive to invest more into our faith and family life. As the Bible states, To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven--Ecclesiastes 3:1. As the children grow up and move out to forge their own paths, we recognize that some seasons will be ending, and we are relishing what we have before us and available to us right now. The glory of one season ending is that another begins, and those new beginnings are prayed over, and we look forward to them. Change is inevitable—except in one way. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever—Hebrews 13:8 and that is something to cling to! On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God—Psalms 62:7. In this we trust as we go into 2023. Knowing that the Lord God goes before us and is also our rear guard (Isaiah 52:12) sure makes it better as we wade through the trials of today and the uncertainty of tomorrow. The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed--Deuteronomy 31:8. If you do not have this surety, I offer to you the message of the gospel, that you may repent and believe, and enjoy the peace of God. If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation—Romans 10: 9-10 (emphasis mine). Peace be with you. Merry Christmas from the Bartoks John, Gina, Jozsef, Nikolas, Connor, Sonja, Riley, and Hannah